The Fitech Automatic Fire Detection & Suppression System (FAFDSS) is designed to protect all the critical areas of the vehicle and the same can be easily modified to ensure that its coverage area and capability can be increased as per the need and size of the vehicles. The system can be configured using cylinders of 10kg & 20kg individually or in multiples to ensure optimum coverage. Similarly, the number of nozzles can also be increased to cover a larger area. The system provides ideal protection ensuring the fire will be extinguished in the first critical moments of their occurance and works fully independently.
In the event of a fire, the temperature rises & the LHS cable detects the fire and gives a signal to the Fire Control Panel. The control panel starts giving a visual signal and an alarm to alert the driver and the personnel in the surrounding area. After a few seconds the electromechanical actuator is energized which punctures the rupture disc located on the expellant cartridge valve.
From the expellant cartridge, Co2 enters into the main cylinder which is filled with Dry Chemical Powder. The expellant gas mixes with the fire extinguishing agent and it flows through the distribution piping system to the nozzles and quenches the fire.
In the event of fire, the Vehicle Driver can also activate the system manually by operating the electromechanical actuator through the activation switch in the control panel or by striking the knob provided on the electromechanical actuator or on the pilot cartridge assembly located in the driver’s cabin, after this, it will work same as the Automatic Operation Option.
Once the system is activated and put into use, the Cylinder & Cartridge are required to be refilled to the maximum capacity & optimum pressure. Further, once the system is discharged the piping network and the discharge nozzles need to be thoroughly cleaned. This is essential to ensure the healthiness of the system for future use.
Early Fire Detection & Instant Fire Suppression
Automatic Operation Ensures protection of Human Life & Reduces Downtime
Easy to Install & Maintain. It can be refilled at site without special equipment
Highly Dependable & Cost Effective Solution
Suitable for Dusty & Humid Conditions
In Compliance to DGMS Circular No. 06 of 2020
The System is available in capacity of 10kg, 15kg, 20kg, 30kg with varying number of Nozzles tailor made as per customer’s requirement. It protects off-road equipment such as above-ground and sub-surface mining equipment, other off-road and specialty vehicles, and on-road vehicles.