Fitech Automatic Clean Agent Tubing System provides ideal protection ensuring the fire will be extinguished in the first critical moments of occurrence and works fully independently. The system is connected to a monitoring panel which provides necessary indication upon operation of the system and can be connected with the existing BMS / SCADA panels to ensure proper monitoring of the systems.
The system uses clean and green UL Listed, globally recognized non-toxic fire extinguishing agent FITECH227 (FM200/HFC227ea), FITECH236 (FE36/HFC236fa) and FITECH1230 (Novec1230 / FK5-1-12) to provide quick and reliable suppression to combat the fire and suppress it before it can spread within the cabinets minimizing potential fire damage.
Our highly reliable tube is unaffected by dirt, dust and debris. The flexible nature of the detection tube allows for an unlimited number of fire detection points. The flexibility of the tube ensures it can be placed near high- risk areas providing very fast and effective detection.
The fire suppression system operates by detecting fire and applying the agent using a detection tube connected to the cylinder valve. The detection tube is placed in the protected enclosure and is under constant pressure. In case of fire the detection tube degrades by the effect of fire or high temperature.
The activation and distribution of the clean agent (HFC227ea, HFC236fa & FK-5-1-12) is secured by the detection tube. When the detection tube is disrupted, the agent is released through the created hole. The detection system is independent of any electrical supply and operates automatically.
Direct systems are available in both low pressure and high- pressure capacities depending on the appropriate extinguishant selected.
When the detection tubing is exposed to a flame or high ambient temperature, it ruptures with a burst at the hottest point. The extinguishing agent is then discharged from the connected cylinder through either the burst hole in case of a Direct System or through the Pipework in case of an Indirect System, at the fire and extinguishes it.
This system is referred to as indirect, which means that it is activated by disruption of the detection tube and the agent is distributed via separate distribution tubes to the nozzles.
The fire suppression system operates by detecting heat with a detection tube connected to the valve of the cylinder. The tube is placed in the protected enclosure and is under constant pressure, thereby keeping the valve piston of the cylinder closed.
The indirect system is suitable for larger environments or where the specific application of the agent is required. This system also enables various modifications by adding optional components such as manual actuation, control panels for enhanced operation and control of the system.
Indirect systems are available in both low pressure and high- pressure capacities depending on the appropriate extinguishant selected.
Environmentally Friendly & Non Toxic.
Fast and Automatic Operation from the initial Detection of Fire to suppressing it.
Easy to Install & Maintain on both New and Existing Equipment.
Cost Effective Solution and leaves no Residue.
Compatible with Fire Detection, BMS & SCADA Systems.
UL Listed Clean Agent and the Cylinders are as per BIS Standard.